
When faced with infertility, it's fret or fight.

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Saturday, February 11, 2006

Odds and Ends (aka The Boring Post)

This week has been kind of a hodge podge of all sorts of different things. Started the week feeling good after learning that a talk I had to give was postponed for a week. Then learned about a stitch n’ bitch group that started on campus and their monthly meeting was Wednesday. I had been looking for a knitting group to go to, but most of them I knew of were some distance away. I’m not the type of person who meets new people easily and having to travel a long distance only to find myself in a socially awkward situation kept me from ever trying to go to any of them. But going to one on campus seemed like minimal effort and since they were meeting in the middle of the day, I could always use the excuse that I had to go back to work to get out of any unpleasant situation. So, I packed my current knitting project in a bag and headed over there Wednesday. It was a little awkward at first, but I think I was in the frame of mind to have a go at meeting new people. Some people really took to the project I was working on and that felt nice to have people compliment me. I ended up having quite a nice time. I was actually a little sorry to go back to work. Later on in the day, however, I wasn’t feeling as grand. I had a horrible headache and felt unbearably tired. Since other co-workers had been sick, I realized I must have caught it, too. Went home early and slept until the next day. Spent the next day at home, too, napping, eating very little, reading and being completely enthralled by the TV series, Firefly. Got the DVDs as a gift from my brother because he thought I might enjoy it and boy, was he right! Last couple of days, I’ve just been having fun watching the entire series (easy since there were only a few episodes) and movie, Serenity, which was made a few years later. It felt good to let myself just be sick and completely lose myself in front of the TV.

Not a very exciting post, I know, but I felt like I was in a slightly different head space for awhile this week and somehow it made me feel a little more like my pre-IF self and it felt good to be her again even if it was for a little while.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you got to be your pre-IF self for a while. It's quite liberating, isn't it?

11:57 AM  
Blogger EJW said...

My husband is totally hooked on Firefly/Serenity and we watched a couple episodes last night. The theme song is uber-cheesey, but the rest of it is pretty good. He described it as "Deadwood in outer space" and that seems pretty accurate and not at all paradoxical.

2:10 PM  
Blogger April said...

I've heard a lot of great things about Firefly too.

Hope you're feeling better ...

11:00 AM  

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