
When faced with infertility, it's fret or fight.

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Friday, July 07, 2006

All Clear

My culture came back negative, so no infection.


I’m starting to think that maybe every visit to the doctor’s office or call about a test result may NOT always entail bad news.

We are 85% sure we will go ahead with the Clomid/IUI this cycle instead of waiting for my next cycle. Last weekend we were 85% sure we would wait because I decided I didn’t want the extra stress of preparing for my committee meeting and worrying about coping with a cycle at the same time. I’ve never been on Clomid and I hear some women get horrendous side effects from it. But when I went in for the culture Monday, Dr. No Face was training the new RE fellow who would replace him in a month. Which means I would be one of the first patients the new doctor would practice on. Now, I’m sure she is competent, but I would rather have the experience of a doctor who has been doing IUI cycles for the past three years than be the experience for a new doctor still learning the trade. (Most of the fertility doctors I usually see at my clinic are fellows overseen by RE’s. Dr. No Face has been the only fellow who does IUI’s and his fellowship is ending. If I want to do IVF, I would go to their affiliated IVF clinic where the IF RE mainly spends his time. Dr. TAD is the other RE and head of the department on campus.) Plus, the main issue I am interested in for this cycle is whether or not my ovaries will respond. I think I would benefit more from someone who has seen a lot of ovarian responses (or non responses) if my ovaries do something weird and unusual, which seems to be my track record so far.

My period should start Monday and then maybe Clomid on Wednesday. My committee meeting is the week after that, so I’m working on my annual write-up and preparing my slides for my presentation. I want to get the bulk of it done in the next few days so if it’s a no go on the cycle or the Clomid treats me harshly, then I can have time to deal with whatever is in store for me without stressing too much on what I still have to do.

I don’t know how much I’ll be posting the next couple of weeks. I will post updates, but they will likely be short and sweet.


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