
When faced with infertility, it's fret or fight.

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Monday, April 10, 2006

Guess who has a new post?

I know there has been a lack of posting here these last couple of months. One reason for it is that there hasn’t been much going on, on the IF front except waiting for my RE appointment in May. I have been getting my FSH and other levels retested, but that has just added more mystery to uncertainty (which will be a post for another day.) Another reason for the lack of posts is that things at work are on an upswing and I have been spending many hours on my experiments and feeling incredibly motivated. More motivated than I have felt for a couple of years. In fact, so motivated, that I have been working weekends. It feels great to be so productive on the one hand but is quite tiring on the other.

When I do have downtime, I’ve been knitting. Last week, I finished knitting the baby gifts for my friend who is due in early May. I gave them to her and her husband last Friday. Thank goodness the baby shower thrown for her was out of town and only family members were invited so I didn’t have to go to that or have to tell her I can’t handle going to her shower. I know she would have understood, but it’s easier not to have to deal with the issue at all.

I think my behavior modification experiment is doing me some good. I feel good and positive about things most of the time and I am certainly feeling better about myself in general. I hope these good feelings like it here and decide to stay around for awhile.


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