Quick update
My committee meeting went great! This was my pre-defense meeting, which in some ways is the most important one in your grad school career because this is the meeting they decide if you are worthy of a PhD and you set a timeline for graduation. The actual defense is really just for show (and to present your completed work) because really, your committee has already decided to pass you at the pre-defense meeting. I still have a couple of experiments to tackle, but whenever I am done with those and done writing my thesis, I will be able to graduate (probably by December). I was on cloud nine, of course, after the meeting. It was a feeling I hadn’t had in a long time. After living with uncertainty for so long in regards to IF and in my research, it is a wonderful feeling to have some certainty in my life.
The in-laws are coming in Thursday and will be staying through Monday or Tuesday, so we’ll be busy entertaining them. I’m going to try to spend some time this weekend to post something more extensive.
congratulations summer this is wonderful news! You are nearly a dr!
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